New to International Headship

A bespoke package of support for those new to leading British international schools.

Delivered by experienced international school leaders this package is tailored to the needs of the school and the leader receiving support across their first year overseas.

Our support for new Headteachers

We recognise the challenge of starting a new Headship role in any school, but a move to an international school has its own unique challenges. Some will be anticipated, and some will come as a surprise!

In partnership with a pool of highly experienced serving and former international school leaders we are delighted to offer this support package for those newly appointed to the prestigious and often highly challenging role of international school leadership.

Good schools will ensure that the transition to international leadership is managed as smoothly as possible. However, having an experienced and independent confidant and advisor will undoubtedly be of significant value, even if things are going ‘swimmingly well’.

For more information about ESP’s team of Leadership Development Partners (LDPs) see ‘Our Team’

The programme of support

The package of support includes 7 1-hour 1:1 sessions as follows plus ongoing additional email support for the first year in post.

Preparing for the Challenge - A 1-hour session prior to departure or shortly after arrival in country focusing on your new adventure, what to expect, what to look out for and to introduce you to your Leadership Development Partner (LDP).

Half-Termly Sessions to Explore Emerging and Future Challenges - topics for these 1-hour sessions can include (but are not exclusive to):

  • Identifying priorities and driving improvements;

  • Building relationships with key influencers

  • Which accreditation is best for my school?

  • Managing staff overseas

  • Recruitment and retention. Strategies and challenges in international schools;

  • … and specific areas of your choice and need.

How much does it cost?

£2250 to include 7 1-hour 1:1 sessions with the Leadership Development Partner (LDP) plus ongoing email support for the first year in post.

Additional sessions are priced at £250 per hour.

To discuss support for your school please contact Mark Bignell on