Teaching Assistant Development Programme
The ESP TA Development Programme provides schools with support for a cohort of Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants.
The programme runs over a period of 9-12 months and provides support, guidance and challenge for participants ensuring that their skills and expertise in raising pupil achievement is recognised and continually developed.
Why invest in TA development?
Teaching Assistants are an integral part of the school workforce and as such a significant cost. Effective deployment of TAs is crucial in order to maximise impact on pupil achievement.
The DfE advocates School Leaders valuing and holding TAs in the same esteem as other educational professionals within the school community and as a result high-quality, impactful CPD should not be overlooked.
This programme, intrinsically linked to the DfE's Professional Standards for Teaching Assistants provides British international schools with the tools to ensure consistency for their TAs, so their skills and expertise in raising pupil achievement is recognised and continues to be developed.
By engaging in this development programme your TAs will gain the knowledge and skills required to thrive in their role.
This year-long programme of CPD draws on the following key themes throughout:
Personal and Professional Conduct;
Knowledge and Understanding;
Teaching and Learning;
Working with others.
The taught CPD sessions included within this programme expand on these themes while ensuring a robust framework of performance is expectations is in place (similar to that of the UK Teachers' Standards).
Programme content
The TA Development Programme includes monthly (online) taught CPD sessions with key follow up tasks to completed in school. CPD sessions include:
The Importance of the Teaching Assistant;
The TA's Role in Behaviour for Learning;
Assessment for Learning, Catching the Moment;
Working Together to Maximise AFL Impact;
Planning and Resources, Maximising TA Involvement;
Building Relationships with Others;
Knowing Your Strengths, Self-Reflection and Personal Development;
Being Proactive, Taking the Lead for Initiatives in School;
Positive Language and Managing Challenge.
The TA Development Programme is very cost effective particularly for those schools with a large number of TAs requiring support with capacity for up to 25 participants in any cohort.
How is the programme delivered?
Delivery alternates between taught online CPD sessions and personal reflection opportunities. Each taught session provides participants with a post-session task that is then reviewed during a the following reflection session.
As this is a school-based group CPD programme cohorts can commence at the start of any term in the academic year.
To discuss planning a TA Development Programme cohort for your school please contact Mark Bignell on mark@espeducation.co.uk