Recently Qualified Teacher (RQT) Programme
Supported Online Professional Development for Recently Qualified Teachers (RQTs) in non-BSO accredited British International Schools.

Why Consider RQT Support?
While any British international school can employ Early Career Teachers (ECTs) which were formally known as NQTs, only those schools who have completed BSO inspection within the last 6 years are eligible to offer formal, DfE reported induction. This programme of support is designed to allow aspiring BSO schools to support their inexperienced teachers ahead of formal induction once their BSO accreditation is confirmed.
The year-long programme allows Recently Qualified Teachers (RQTs) to consider their own development against each of the UK Teachers' Standards in detail and self-reflect on their performance in order to thrive as a teacher in a British international school. It also supports those employed in non-BSO schools to build a portfolio of evidence to support a potential fast-tracked ECT induction in the future.
The online programme tutor will work with participants on a monthly basis providing helpful insight, online CPD and the ability for teachers to self-reflect on their performance in the classroom. The tutor will also offer professional guidance on how candidates can ensure maximum impact through their teaching.
What’s Included?
A full academic year of support from the ESP team of early career specialists who are experienced in supporting recently qualified teachers in British international schools.
Access to a range of CPD webinars with an ESP teaching and learning specialist. Access to post-webinar recordings of all CPD sessions.
Support from the programme tutor for participants in identifying development areas and opportunities to work on throughout the year.
1:1 remote support for professional development support through email and 1:1 calls if required.
Support for teachers looking to build portfolios of evidence to support a potential future fast-track ECT induction in BSO accredited schools.
Programme Cost
Up to 8 RQTs £300 per RQT
9+ RQTS £250 per RQT
For more information on the RQT Programme please contact us on