Pre and Post BSO Support
What is BSO accreditation?
The term “British Schools Overseas” (BSO) may only be officially used by a school that has been inspected within the past three academic years by one of the inspectorates approved by the UK government’s Department for Education (DfE) and has been judged to have met an acceptable standard. BSO inspections are based on the standards used to inspect the majority of independent (i.e. private) schools in England and Wales.
The purpose of BSO accreditation is often to assure parents and students that the school has been judged by a DfE inspectorate to meet the rigorous BSO standards and is externally recognised as one of the leading British international schools worldwide. With our work across the BSO community of schools, ESP are uniquely placed to support your school ahead of inspection and to ensure that, when your inspectorate arrive, they see your school in the best possible light.
Why use ESP for pre- and post- BSO support?
By working with a separate provider to your BSO inspectorate before and after your inspection, you are further able to evidence best-practice support, external scrutiny and gain extra prestige with your BSO inspection findings.
A unique advantage of our work is that we do not inspect the school and do not accredit the school. We support leaders to develop their schools in readiness for inspection against the UK BSO standards, which will lead to them being one of the very best British international schools in the world.
ESP have supported a range of British international schools preparing for BSO inspections and can draw on our associate consultant base of BSO school leaders, inspectors and UK educational experts to support your school. Our MD Amanda Picillo will work with your leadership team to understand your exact need before proposing the team best-matched to your school's circumstance and location. Our partnership with your school will provide expert advice and support, helping your school to evidence its strengths in inspection, as well as implementing strategies to tackle any areas for improvement identified during inspection.
By developing a long-term, trusted working relationship, ESP will work alongside your school to enable you to reach your goals.
To discuss pre- and post-BSO support for your school, please email Amanda Picillo on